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This book changes that narrative ... thereby reducing your waste and making the most out of your weekly shop. ... If you want to be more eco-conscious, but can't bear giving up your holidays, this is the ideal read. Lonely Planet's trusty guide to the world's most sustainable experiences and destinations (all of which protect wildlife and support local communities) will ensure that you're travelling in a way that keeps environmental impact to ...
This book changes that narrative with 100 recipes, all of which show you how to make your food go further, thereby reducing your waste and making the most out of your weekly shop. ... If you want to be more eco-conscious, but can't bear giving up your holidays, this is the ideal read. Lonely Planet's trusty guide to the world's most sustainable experiences and destinations (all of which protect wildlife and support local communities) will ensure that you're travelling in a way that keeps environmental impact to a minimum.If you're feeling empowered to make a change, but are unsure where to start, try choosing a book from our curated reading list.From food to fashion, this green round-up will help you live in a more responsible way ... When it comes to the environment, we're all presented with a near-constant stream of depressing news, alarming statistics and bleak outlooks.Following frightening-sounding 'final' warnings from scientists and rising global temperatures – outlined in The United Nations’ latest climate report – the climate crisis can sometimes feel anxiety-inducing and way too big to comprehend in our own individual lives. "We are already experiencing human-induced global warming of 1.1C, instigating unprecedented changes to our planet’s climate," Eco-Age's communications and sustainability professional Georgia-Rae Taylor, says. "The last decade alone was warmer than any period of the last 125,000 years. To reduce fashion’s contribution to climate change, we need to re-evaluate every step."
On the other hand, sustainable living focuses on reducing our impact by eating locally and choosing organic options. Regarding transportation, zero-waste living would focus on using public transport or carpooling to lessen emissions. Sustainable living, however, would also encourage walking or cycling. Sustainable living is a much broader concept than zero-waste living. It is about making choices that are good for the environment in all our lives...
Environmental equilibrium is the balance between the environment and the organisms that live in it. This means there are enough resources (such as food, water, and shelter) to support all the organisms. It also means that waste produced by these organisms is properly disposed of so that it does not build up and damage the environment. Some platforms indicating a commitment to sustainable living include policies encouraging renewable energy, reducing waste, or protecting natural resources.Learn what sustainable living is, its goals, ways to adopt its practices, and why it is so important for our planet. Read more about it here.A great way to reduce waste is by repurposing goods that would otherwise be thrown away. This could be anything from furniture to clothing. Plastic pollution is a huge problem for the environment. Ditching single-use plastics in favor of more sustainable options is a great way to reduce your impact.Sustainable technologies are often more energy-efficient and can help to reduce your carbon footprint. One way to reduce your impact is to do things yourself. This could be anything from growing your food to repairing your clothes. Not only does this save money, but it also reduces the resources needed to produce goods. One of the best things you can do for the environment is to volunteer for earth-friendly causes.
The U.S. is the third-most populated country in the world, yet we’re responsible for a disproportionate amount of greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, consumption and waste. If everyone in the world lived the way Americans do today, it would take five Earths to sustain the planet.
Every day we make choices in our lives that affect the environment, the climate and other species. From what we eat to how many children we decide to have, there’s a lot we can do to “choose wild” and reduce our environmental footprint to leave more room for wild animals and plants.To avoid contributing to the endangerment of wildlife, shop conscientiously and look for products made from sustainable materials like bamboo and dine at restaurants that refuse to serve imperiled species like bluefin tuna. Join the Bluefin Boycott and learn more about how the world comes together to tackle wildlife trade. With more than 8 billion people in the world our demands for food, water, land and fossil fuels are pushing other species to extinction. Human population growth and consumption are at the root of our most pressing environmental crises, but they’re often left out of the conversation.Meat production is one of the most environmentally destructive industries on the planet, responsible for massive amounts of water use, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and habitat destruction. So when you choose to eat more plant-based foods and reduce your meat consumption you reduce your environmental footprint.One of the best things you can do for wildlife and the planet, today and for the future, is to get politically involved in your community and at the national level. Vote for candidates with strong environmental platforms. Urge your representatives to pass stronger policies to limit greenhouse gases, fight climate change, protect wildlife and public lands and support access to reproductive health services.
From a sustainable starter kit to a Farmstand for at-home gardening, here are the best sustainable and eco-friendly gifts to shop this year.
If you’ve become more mindful of your ecological footprint over the last few years, chances are you’ve begun cutting back on your shopping as a way to reduce waste and might be on the market for a thoughtful gadget or innovative device that helps you do so. Luckily, sustainability has become an increasing priority for brands and companies across the country — and it’s never been easier to find products that not only don’t harm the environment, but can even benefit Planet Earth.For some, cleaning is an act of rejuvinating self-care. This makes a thoughtful gift for anyone in your life whose cleaning practices are an ingrained part of their personalities and would appreciate an easy way to incorporate more sustainable practices into their daily lives.The Hollywood-loved haircare brand Hairstory (most recently used by Allison Williams at the Oscars) is the perfect gift for beauty lovers looking to find more sustainable products to add to their routines. Their detergent-free, creamy and moisturizing New Wash shampoos and conditioners are made specifically to restore your scalp’s natural balance without stripping it of its good oils or protective barrier. In addition to their products being made with gentle essential oils and naturally-derived ingredients that won’t damage your hair or the environment, the brand also promises to donate 1% of New Wash sales to 1% for the Planet.Tampons and liners wouldn’t typically make it onto a gift guide but August’s luxe eco-friendly subscription service is luxe enough for inclusion. (I mean, look at box it comes in ). August, described as the “next gen of period care,” centers sustainability at the core of their mission, with products made out of 100% cotton and recyclable packaging.
What is it mean to live a more sustainable lifestyle? In this post, we list top 100+ tips to help you reduce your impact on the environment.
On the surface, it can be incredibly daunting to reduce your environmental footprint, especially when you see that others around you are not doing their part. But when you break it down into small steps, you realise you have more power than you thought. To make sustainable living more accessible, we’ve created a list of over 100 tips to help you live greener and happier.Support fashion brands that are ethical and environmentally conscious. Learn how to find sustainable materials when shopping. Reduce how frequently you wash your clothes.Hello Michael! Thanks for the great list. I personally believe that people themselves can discover new ways to live sustainably if they putting the environment over ego and people over products.No more red sensitive nose, expansive tissues, better for the environment. <3 · I love this! I’d like to see an added section for pets, though. I know I could switch to cloth/reusable bedding for small pets (guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.), but I’m interested to hear any other ideas. What do I do about litter boxes? Are there bulk pet food places? Are some toys more or less sustainable than others?
With plastic polluting our planet more by the day, we’re in the midst of significant waste crisis. We have the power to come together as individuals change
Composting helps to reduce the emissions that end up going into the environment. If you’re unfamiliar with what to do, here’s a good guide you can read on how to start composting.Fortunately, all it takes is some small changes to our lifestyle to make some big improvements to the environment. You’ll never be perfect at this and you will fail at times, but just putting in the effort makes a difference. Our combined efforts can take on the larger system of corporations that tends to care more about profit than the planet. Here are few things you can do to reduce your waste.There’s two ways you can help the environment by going to your local food bank. The first way you can help is getting food from one. The items there are usually given at a reduced price or they’re even free.Speaking of veganism, that’s another excellent way you can help decrease the amount of waste in our environment. The Independent published an article describing veganism as the single biggest way to reduce our environmental impact on the planet.
What do Sustainable Lifestyles mean?Sustainable Lifestyles are considered as ways of living, social behaviors and choices, that minimize environmental degradation (use of natural resources, CO2 emissions, waste and pollution) while supporting equitable socio-economic development and better ...
This desktop research reflects how COVID-19 is influencing people’s lives and lifestyles around the world, and in turn how “COVID lifestyles” affect and will affect the environment. Lifestyle Impact on Biodiversity and Nature. The research aims to understand, address and eventually influence the lifestyles areas that have the greatest impacts in Biodiversity Loss. · A framework for shaping sustainable lifestyles: determinants and strategies. Evidence of what sustainable lifestyles are and the behavior tendencies of people to live more sustainability. 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Targets and options for reducing lifestyle carbon footprints.What do Sustainable Lifestyles mean?Sustainable Lifestyles are considered as ways of living, social behaviors and choices, that minimize environmental degradation (use of natural resources, CO2 emissions, waste and pollution) while supporting equitable socio-economic development and better quality of life for all.Sustainable living means understanding how our lifestyle choices impact the world around us and finding ways for everyone to live better and lighter. Applying a ‘people lens’ to sustainability is new, timely and opportunities are great. Sustainable living and lifestyles for the first time appear in the Sustainable Development Goals (4 Education and 12.8 Responsible Consumption). UN Environment Programme is at the forefront of looking into what sustainable lifestyles are and how decision-making can be better harnessed for sustainability.This policy brief offers insights on what forces shape our lifestyles, from our values and norms to economic factors and government regulations, underpinned by the physical infrastructure within which we live, introducing the policy tool of choice-editing. · 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Towards a Fair Consumption Space for All. Analyses lifestyle carbon footprints of ten sample countries, representing high-, middle-, and low-income countries, and identifies hotspots, or consumption domains with the highest impact on the environment. Sustainable Living and Lifestyles: Covid-19 impacts.
Meanwhile, humanity produces around ... Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). By 2040, plastic production could be responsible for 19 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. ... To address these issues, individuals must make sustainable lifestyle changes in their day-to-day lives, say experts. Targeted and urgent action at all levels is also needed to guide this ...
Meanwhile, humanity produces around 430 million tonnes of plastic a year, two-thirds of which are short-lived products that soon become waste, according to the Turning off the Tap report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). By 2040, plastic production could be responsible for 19 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. ... To address these issues, individuals must make sustainable lifestyle changes in their day-to-day lives, say experts. Targeted and urgent action at all levels is also needed to guide this shift.With a few simple changes, individuals can lighten their impact on the environment.Exploring local activities for leisure can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Photo: Pexels/Eric Sanman · How people spend their leisure time – including on tourism and recreational activities – significantly impacts the environment. Individuals can make impactful actions to shift to more sustainable leisure activities by staying local and supporting nearby businesses.The Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals, UNEP’s Sustainable Lifestyles Team and the UN System Staff College worked with partners to develop the module. It is one of many products from the One Planet Network Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme. Here are five ways the average person can reduce their carbon footprint and live more sustainably.
We hear the phrase sustainable living a lot ... but what is sustainable living and how can we adopt its principles in a way that’s both practical and...
First, realize that there is no absolute sustainable living definition; it means different things to different people, but in an overall nutshell, living sustainably means minimizing your use of Earth’s resources and reducing the damage of human and environmental interactions.In complex terms, living in a sustainable way refers to a practical philosophy that aims to reduce personal and societal environmental impact to net zero by making positive changes which counteract climate change and other negative environmental concerns.It aims to achieve an environmental equilibrium. This is sometimes called “net zero living” or striking a “zero energy balance” with the Earth. Obviously, this is sustainability in its ideal form, and is virtually impossible for anyone to truly achieve. So, instead of focusing on perfection, sustainable living practices focus on reducing one’s carbon footprint.If you need motivation to jump on board, figure out yours using the World Wildlife Fund’s environmental footprint calculator. But try as you might, nobody will ever be able to completely stamp out their carbon footprint. Hence, sustainability needs to be viewed in practical terms, which means we should all be taking small steps to consume earth’s resources consciously. Disclaimer: There is no perfect picture of “sustainability”, nor is there one fixed achievement or end goal.
Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice that serves the environment and our communities. It’s about living consciously, reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting practices that benefit all of us. We all have an obligation to ourselves and future generations to make sure we live ...
Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice that serves the environment and our communities. It’s about living consciously, reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting practices that benefit all of us. We all have an obligation to ourselves and future generations to make sure we live sustainably; it’s crucial for preserving the planet and creating a better world for everyone.Join me as we explore sustainable living and learn how to incorporate these values into our everyday lives! The term “sustainable lifestyle” creates an image of peaceful coexistence between humans and the environment, where we can all thrive in harmony. It is rooted in the idea that living sustainably reduces our negative impact on the planet while providing us with everything we need to lead happy lives.With careful planning and dedication to living an environmentally conscious life, you could save hundreds or thousands of dollars each year. The first step is to look for ways to save energy costs with renewable sources like solar panels or wind turbines. Depending on where you live, government incentives may also be available to encourage homeowners to make more sustainable choices. This could result in significant savings over time and reduce your carbon footprint.Here, I want to share some tips on how to live a sustainable life – one that does good for your neighbours, environment, and yourself! Living sustainably doesn’t mean making drastic changes or sacrifices; small daily choices increase over time. You don’t need to be perfect to embrace sustainability – little daily steps can make all the difference.
From using vegetable scraps to deleting emails, here is how you can embrace sustainable living and limit your carbon footprint.
Meeting the highest standard of verified social and environmental performance, Certified B Corporations set the goal posts to work towards sustainable living. The global movement encompasses 4,088 companies across 77 countries in 153 industries, all with one goal in common – to use business as a force for good. To live your fullest eco-friendly lifestyle, opt for supporting Certified B Corps where possible.It may seem harmless, but did you know it has a negative impact on the environment? Sending one email without any attachments has a carbon footprint equivalent of four grams of CO2. And the emails you receive every day really add up. Science Focus claims that sending 65 emails equates to the same amount of energy needed to drive 1.6 kilometres – which is still less than snail mail. To reduce unnecessary energy waste where possible, make sure you unsubscribe from the emails you never even open.Commit to reducing food waste in your kitchen by using everything in your fridge and pantry. Do you have old, stale bread lying around? Turn it into bread crumbs. Are your herbs starting to wilt in the fridge? Turn them into pesto. Are your tomatoes about to turn? Freeze them for later use in a pasta sauce. Whether you’re eyeing off a holiday in Greece or perhaps you’re dreaming of exploring the charms of Vietnam, you can still be a sustainability-conscious traveller.Whether it’s grabbing a ride with a friend or making use of the many share-car services available, or renting a library book instead of buying new ones, as long as you’re sharing in some capacity, it will be beneficial to sustainable living. It’s an oldie, but a goodie: walk to where you need to be. If you live about four kilometres from work, you can probably walk and get your 10,000 steps in for the day.
Decisions about the things we buy can move us toward being sustainable. Thinking about things like the resources used in the products we buy, how efficient they are and their lifecycle can help us make more environmentally friendly purchases.
While most of us have less control over our workplaces than we do over our homes, our commitment to reducing the damage to the environment should not stop when we get to work. Everyday at work we make many decisions about water, waste & energy. Therefore, the workplace provides us with a great opportunity to become an agent of change toward sustainability and lead and support the greening of our work cultures and the means of production.Learn MoreDecisions about the things we buy can move us toward being sustainable. Thinking about things like the resources used in the products we buy, how efficient they are and their lifecycle can help us make more environmentally friendly purchases.How can we reconfigure our retail filters to include our environmental responsibilities?Learn More · The majority of the services we receive from our governments, health care providers, banks, etc. are configured for financial efficiency (saving money or making it). for financial efficiency (saving money or making it). As such, the inclusion of sustainability obligations or awareness of the ecological footprint of the services they provide is a rare feature for Australia’s service providers.Through these relationships, we will learn together, act together and kick environmental goals together. The sense of common purpose and achievement we will gain will provide essential fuel for the journey. So how can we nurture our compassion and engagement so as to contribute?Learn More · Recreation is how we relax, reward and inspire ourselves. Careful choices about travel, luxury holidays and recreational toys can ensure we play sustainably too.
What does it actually mean to live more sustainably? What can we (as regular people) do to make an impact (however small)? We dig into these important questions here > ... Listen to our conversations with inspiring individuals working on the world's sustainability challenges. ... Sustainability refers to any efforts to reduce personal and societal environmental ...
What does it actually mean to live more sustainably? What can we (as regular people) do to make an impact (however small)? We dig into these important questions here > ... Listen to our conversations with inspiring individuals working on the world's sustainability challenges. ... Sustainability refers to any efforts to reduce personal and societal environmental impact through positive lifestyle change—and there’s no one correct way to implement those changes.No matter how small the action, we can all have a more positive impact on the planet by following these sustainability tips. Read on to find out how.When carving, roast the seeds and make soup with the other “guts”. For the drooping face, be sure to compost it or give it to local farmers to feed to their livestock. 100. Volunteer for local organizations. By joining in on a local beach cleanup or helping at the community garden, you can contribute to a healthier community. Plus, you get to set an example of sustainability to inspire those around you. 101. Donate when you can. Donating to a worthy cause can help fund environmental research and conservation work.Neem oil is an organic insect-repellent and fungal cure that is practically non-toxic to the environment, except in huge doses. Other chemical-free ways to rid your garden of unwanted insects include Diatomaceous Earth (food-grade, OMRI-tested) or planting herbs around perimeters. 47. Switch your sprinklers in summer. Rotary nozzles fit on most popup spray heads. Rotating nozzles deliver water slower with larger droplets, reducing both runoff and water waste. 48. Stop sprinkling altogether. Take the previous summer sustainability tip to the next level and don’t sprinkle at all.
India News: Reduce plastic pollution with these 10 expert tips: buy in bulk, avoid single-use items, and use reusable containers.
Reduce plastic pollution with these 10 expert tips: buy in bulk, avoid single-use items, and use reusable containers. As we celebrated yet another World Environment Day, it is important to discuss the different things people can adopt on a personal level to reduce plastic pollution.
On the other hand, sustainable living focuses on reducing our impact by eating locally and choosing organic options. Regarding transportation, zero-waste living would focus on using public transport or carpooling to lessen emissions. Sustainable living, however, would also encourage walking ...
Environmental equilibrium is the balance between the environment and the organisms that live in it. This means there are enough resources (such as food, water, and shelter) to support all the organisms. It also means that waste produced by these organisms is properly disposed of so that it does not build up and damage the environment. Some platforms indicating a commitment to sustainable living include policies encouraging renewable energy, reducing waste, or protecting natural resources.Learn what sustainable living is, its goals, ways to adopt its practices, and why it is so important for our planet. Read more about it here.A great way to reduce waste is by repurposing goods that would otherwise be thrown away. This could be anything from furniture to clothing. Plastic pollution is a huge problem for the environment. Ditching single-use plastics in favor of more sustainable options is a great way to reduce your impact.Sustainable technologies are often more energy-efficient and can help to reduce your carbon footprint. One way to reduce your impact is to do things yourself. This could be anything from growing your food to repairing your clothes. Not only does this save money, but it also reduces the resources needed to produce goods. One of the best things you can do for the environment is to volunteer for earth-friendly causes.
Our sustainable living guide includes the meaning of sustainability, why it's important to lead a sustainable and green lifestyle and how to shop and live more sustainably.
If you're interested in reducing your carbon footprint and living a more sustainable life, there are countless things you can do to have a positive impact on the planet. One strategy is simply to buy less. And while that's realistic in some cases, the other side of it is making sure youre purchasing sustainable products and supporting sustainable brands that are committed to doing the least amount of environmental damage.Plus, as more people make the switch to sustainable living, more companies work harder to following sustainable practices during manufacturing and more policy makers advocate for improved environmental practices. The bottom line: Sustainable living is about doing whatever you can to reduce your personal contribution to carbon emissions, natural resource depletion, water and chemical use and waste accumulation, while striving to make the earth a better place for all living things.While you can purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products, making things from scratch at home is a perfect example of sustainable living. It allows you to use things you already have on-hand, thus reducing the need to buy more. And it means you can re-use or upcycle other items to give them new life — which all leads to less trash and waste, less packaging and less overall consumption.Put another way, sustainable living is all about making healthier choices for our planet and the people who live here. Examples of sustainable living include buying products made from recycled materials, avoiding fast fashion, and making sure your home isn't overusing water and energy. There's also a growing connection between social good and environmental sustainability and many organizations are increasingly tying together traditional sustainability efforts with mission-based work centered around a specific problem or issue.
The carbon footprint indicates ... determines the amount of our ecological footprint. Sustainable living is a philosophy to reduce personal and societal environmental impact....
By consuming more resources than are available in the long term, we live at the expense of the environment and less developed nations. The carbon footprint indicates how many raw materials we use and how many pollutants we cause with our consumption. The way we buy, what we buy, how we travel, work or spend our free time - all determines the amount of our ecological footprint. Sustainable living is a philosophy to reduce personal and societal environmental impact.Do you want to live sustainably? Here we have lots of sustainable living tips and examples on how you can live a more sustainable lifestyle. Read more!So sustainability does not only mean environmentally friendly but also socially acceptable. For example, buying products that people have produced under fair conditions. Sustainable living means keeping your carbon footprint as small as possible and acting in a socially responsible manner. It encourages people to minimise their use of Earth's resources and reduce the damage of human and environmental interactions.Sustainability includes social responsibility as well as ecology. Fairly produced foods such as coffee, juice, or chocolate help to ensure that more money ends up with the producers of the products. If you buy organic, you reduce your carbon footprint and support environmentally friendly food production.
The bottom line: Sustainable living is about doing whatever you can to reduce your personal contribution to carbon emissions, natural resource depletion, water and chemical use and waste accumulation, while striving to make the earth a better place for all living things.
If you're interested in reducing your carbon footprint and living a more sustainable life, there are countless things you can do to have a positive impact on the planet. One strategy is simply to buy less. And while that's realistic in some cases, the other side of it is making sure youre purchasing sustainable products and supporting sustainable brands that are committed to doing the least amount of environmental damage.Plus, as more people make the switch to sustainable living, more companies work harder to following sustainable practices during manufacturing and more policy makers advocate for improved environmental practices. The bottom line: Sustainable living is about doing whatever you can to reduce your personal contribution to carbon emissions, natural resource depletion, water and chemical use and waste accumulation, while striving to make the earth a better place for all living things.While you can purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products, making things from scratch at home is a perfect example of sustainable living. It allows you to use things you already have on-hand, thus reducing the need to buy more. And it means you can re-use or upcycle other items to give them new life — which all leads to less trash and waste, less packaging and less overall consumption.Put another way, sustainable living is all about making healthier choices for our planet and the people who live here. Examples of sustainable living include buying products made from recycled materials, avoiding fast fashion, and making sure your home isn't overusing water and energy. There's also a growing connection between social good and environmental sustainability and many organizations are increasingly tying together traditional sustainability efforts with mission-based work centered around a specific problem or issue.
By consuming more resources than ... term, we live at the expense of the environment and less developed nations. The carbon footprint indicates how many raw materials we use and how many pollutants we cause with our consumption. The way we buy, what we buy, how we travel, work or spend our free time - all determines the amount of our ecological footprint. Sustainable living is a philosophy to reduce personal and ...
By consuming more resources than are available in the long term, we live at the expense of the environment and less developed nations. The carbon footprint indicates how many raw materials we use and how many pollutants we cause with our consumption. The way we buy, what we buy, how we travel, work or spend our free time - all determines the amount of our ecological footprint. Sustainable living is a philosophy to reduce personal and societal environmental impact.Do you want to live sustainably? Here we have lots of sustainable living tips and examples on how you can live a more sustainable lifestyle. Read more!So sustainability does not only mean environmentally friendly but also socially acceptable. For example, buying products that people have produced under fair conditions. Sustainable living means keeping your carbon footprint as small as possible and acting in a socially responsible manner. It encourages people to minimise their use of Earth's resources and reduce the damage of human and environmental interactions.Sustainability includes social responsibility as well as ecology. Fairly produced foods such as coffee, juice, or chocolate help to ensure that more money ends up with the producers of the products. If you buy organic, you reduce your carbon footprint and support environmentally friendly food production.
These gifts are all sustainably sourced and produced, and made from "green" low-impact materials that won’t leave a dent on the environment.
Feel good about giving while softening your ecological footprint by picking up something from our list top-rated and reviewed eco-friendly gifts. We’ve curated picks that are sustainably-sourced and produced, or made from low-impact materials that won’t leave a dent on the environment.Telmont puts sustainability first and plans to be ‘Climate Positive’ by 2030. This entails reducing greenhouse emissions to a strict minimum and capturing and repurposing green house gases from the atmosphere.You don’t know what you’re missing until you’ve tried sleeping with a weighted blanket, and we like this sustainable one from Bearaby, made from wood pulp sourced from eucalyptus trees in a responsible, closed-loop process. The resulting “TENCEL Lyocell” fabric is softer than silk, yet keeps you cool like linen. The blanket is available in three weights — 15, 20 and 25 pounds — to provide a comforting “hug” as you sleep. The weight blanket helps to stimulate the production of serotonin (happiness hormone), reduce cortisol (stress hormone) and give an overall sense of ease to help relax and fall asleep.With a max cushioned midsole, these Hoka x Reformation shoes are supportive enough to take you through all kinds of terrain. You won’t have to sacrifice high quality for sustainability with this pick. ... You can substantially reduce the number of soda cans and seltzer bottles in your recycling bin by getting Breville’s InFizz Fusion.